AA Salt’s Environmental Impact: Planting Trees and Working with Ripple Africa

As a company, we recognise our duties and responsibilities to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to reduce the environmental impact created by our work- so much so that it is a core pillar in our missions and values.

We managed to smash our target of becoming carbon-neutral in 2022, but our efforts don’t stop there. Moving forward, we are continuing to strive for new ways to contribute and improve our sustainability and will do so for years to come. Read more about some of the schemes we’ve implemented below.

Our work with Ripple Africa: Carbon Offsetting

We are using the carbon offsetting approach adopted by Carbon Footprint, which allows us to develop community projects, such as planting trees with the students of Bowbrook House School. We also offset half our CO2 produced with Ripple Africa– a charity that helps to build fuel-efficient cooking stoves in Malawi, Africa.

Working alongside Ripple Africa has been such a rewarding charity to work with, being able to see the impact it makes on their community. The stoves that they help to build provide a much healthier and safer cooking environment, but also require less wood to fuel, meaning that the burden of collecting wood as often is reduced, therefore protecting their forests too.

Choosing environmentally friendly vehicles and salts

Our new vehicles now allow us to cut down on fuel emissions during our travel and work, being to a Euro 6 standard. In a line of work such as gritting, where vehicles fuel most of our daily duties, it was essential to us to ensure that our new lorries were ultra-low emissions-complaint. This will help us achieve our goal of carbon-positive status by reducing our vehicle carbon emissions by 10.5% pa.

Our new premises has helped to further reduce our impact too, with the operating yard and office sharing one space, meaning we’ve been able to cut down our travel time down by 2 hours a day. This also helped to significantly reduce the business’s carbon footprint.

We have always chosen to use white salt conforming to BS3247 standards, because it is kinder to the environment and your work environment. Our anti-corrosion salt is also purchased in bulk, which has cut down our plastic bag usage by 80%. The plastic bags that are still essential to our work can be reused and washed. This product from the washing process is then collected for salt brine spraying, allowing us to add a new line to our services.

Harvesting Rainwater

In the past, we have regularly collected rainwater on our site as a water source to wash our vehicles and equipment where suitable. In doing so, we’ve managed to save over 50,000 litres of clean water each year.

Want to learn more about our efforts? Visit our sustainability or missions and values pages.

If you’re in need of an environmentally responsible grounds maintenance and gritting company, then look no further! Get in touch with the team today to discuss how we could help you further.