Doubled productivity thanks to mobile workforce system

Cloud-based App Reduces Paperwork

One of the big changes in how we work came when we switched from manually scheduling and tracking jobs to moving the whole process online via cloud-based app, JobWatch.

The app developers BigChange recently featured us as a case study on their site where we talked about how our staff use the app in the field and has allowed us to work smarter and more efficiently.

From previously running at a capacity of 100 jobs a night we’ve been able to scale up to 450.

Tested in the field

This came in very handy when, in 2019, the ‘Beast from the East’ hit the UK and we found ourselves working 24/7 to help keep people and businesses safe.

We’d have been a lot less effective without it, but now as we’ve grown since then, we anticipate being able to handle even more demanding workloads should we get another blast of severe weather.

One more step toward sustainability

An indirect benefit from the switch relates to our sustainability goals, where we aim to be a carbon-neutral company in ten years.

By eliminating our reliance on paperwork and the impact that has on the environment, moving the whole process to the cloud means our carbon footprint has reduced significantly.

Alongside some other initiatives we’re developing, we hope to make big steps toward achieving this goal in other areas of the business too

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AA Salt Featured in Case Study

Find more detail about how the app improved our ability to deliver services to our customers.

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Read more about our Sustainability goals

We achieved Carbon-Neutral status way ahead of schedule. Read why it's important to us and how this can help you achieve the same goal.

Going Green