Nikki’s ’50K Your Way’ Across the Sahara Desert

Nikki's 50K Your Way Across The Sahara

During the past year, Nikki has been undertaking some extremely strenuous training to complete her ’50K Your Way’ trek across the Sahara, on behalf of St. Richard’s Hospice. Well, we’re happy to report that she has completed the feat as of the 27th of March!

Nikki has raised an incredible £2550 (more than double her £1000 target) for the charity, thanks to the generosity of friends, family and clients alike. AA Salt will also match her efforts for St. Richard’s, taking her total to £5100!

Read more about her accomplishment below:

“I had always wanted to go to Marrakech and when I saw the challenge, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to help an important charity while ticking off a bucket list opportunity. Besides, how difficult could it be?

My training started in January 2022, aiming for 4-5 hours a day. I had previously trained for triathlons before but didn’t realise just how difficult it can be to find the time for all the training recommended. When I finally set up the Just Giving page, I was amazed at the generosity of everyone and remember reaching £800 rapidly. Seeing this total really helped to keep me engaged and kept me going.

I felt like a school kid with regular shopping for the kit list for a trip, eventually packing my stuff down to 8kg- the camel carrying limit.

On Wednesday 22nd, I met a team of 23 to embark on my journey. Most of us were local, although one lady had flown all the way from Australia! Seeing so many people come together was great, determined to do this for an important cause.

The whole experience was incredible, and I would recommend it to anyone. The tour was so well organised; our guides knew exactly how far to push us and when we were nearing limits, as well as the locations for any tree stops for shade. Sometimes, these shade breaks went on past 3 hours, due to the heat!

Our camps were amazing. We had tents erected ready for us, as well as a Berber cook travelling with the group who kept us well-fed and looked after.

The highlight had to be walking across the sand dunes, which really felt extraordinary. It made me feel on top of the world!

One day I received a video from the fundraisers, telling me to remember what I was doing this for and whom I am helping and suddenly I found myself walking with a spring in my step again. Raising such a lot of money made all the blood, sweat, tears (and blisters) all worth it. I learned that the amount raised is enough to employ a nurse for a whole year, so am delighted at what I have achieved. AA Salt is also going to be matching the funds I raised too, which will help me donate a staggering amount to St. Richard’s Hospice.

I’d recommend this experience to anyone. It was life-affirming and really pushes you out of your comfort zone while benefiting a charity that matters to you. If you’ve had thoughts about doing this or something similar, just go for it!”

Trekking across the Sahara desert

Well done again to Nikki! We’ve loved seeing your updates and the whole AA Salt team are very proud of your accomplishment.

If you would like to help with Nikki’s cause, you can still donate through her Just Giving page. Alternatively, learn more about St. Richard’s Hospice and the essential work they do.

To get in touch with the team at AA Salt, contact us here.

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